The purpose of this Notice of Preparation (NOP) is to notify potential Responsible Agencies (Agencies) that the Lead Agency, the City of Newport Beach (City), will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Newport Village MixedUse Project (Project) and to solicit comments and suggestions regarding (1) the scope and content of the EIR and (2) the environmental issues and alternatives to be addressed in the EIR (California Environmental Quality Act [CEQA] Guidelines Section 15082).
This NOP also provides notice to interested parties, organizations, and individuals of the preparation of the EIR and requests comments on the scope and contents of the environmental document.
PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is located in the City of Newport Beach, which is at the western edge of Orange County (County), adjacent to the Pacific Ocean and is bordered by Costa Mesa to the northwest, Huntington Beach to the west, Irvine to the northeast, and unincorporated portions of Orange County to the southeast.
The project site is approximately 9.4 acres and is located on two parcels that are across from each other on both sides of West Coast Highway. The site is in the area known as Mariner’s Mile, within the Coastal Zone.
The southern portion of the site is adjacent to the Lower Newport Bay. A project vicinity map is provided to the right and a more detailed map is attached at the end. The Project’s North Parcel is approximately 5.3 acres and located at 2000– 2244 West Coast Highway.
The Project’s South Parcel is approximately 4.1 acres and located at 2001-2241 West Coast Highway. Existing development on the project site consists of a mix of retail, marine related commercial, boat rental, service uses, office, and surface parking lots.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The MX3 Ventures – MSM Global (Project Applicant) proposes to redevelop the project site and to construct a mixed-use development along West Coast Highway between Newport Boulevard and Dover Drive. The Project would consist of residential dwelling units (including affordable units), retail/restaurant, and office uses, as well as parking and related improvements. The proposed housing development project requests a density bonus in exchange for the inclusion of affordable dwelling units.
The project includes 198 dwelling units consisting of 181 apartments and 17 condominiums, and approximately 63,000 square feet of commercial floor area. The project also includes a new publicly accessible plaza and boardwalk along the waterfront, and surface, structured, and subterranean parking spaces.