Coming soon – Scoping Meeting: Open to the Public
We will be updating you about a coming soon “scoping” meeting to be open to the public on the reveal of the enlarged “Newport Village” project that will have a huge impact on PCH and Mariners Mile.
Project Description
The proposed project is a mixed-use development encompassing approximately 9.4 acres on the north and south sides of West Coast Highway in the Mariner’s Mile corridor. The proposed housing development project requests a 20% density bonus in exchange for the inclusion of affordable dwelling units.
The project includes:
- 198 dwelling units
- 181 apartment (rental) units on the north parcel
- 9 units affordable to very-low-income households
- 17 condominium units on the south parcel
- 181 apartment (rental) units on the north parcel
- 63,285 square feet of commercial floor area
- 20,310 square feet of office space
- 20,690 square feet of retail
- 22,285 square feet of restaurant space
- A new publicly accessible plaza and boardwalk along the waterfront
- 848 surface, structured, and subterranean parking spaces
- Existing bulkheads would be reinforced and capped along the waterfront
The maximum height of buildings on both parcels is 35 feet measured from established grade. The existing structures at 2241 West Coast Highway (Amaree’s building) and 2244 West Coast Highway (office building) would remain, while other structures will be demolished as part of the project.
Anticipated Future Events:
- EIR Consultant Professional Services Agreement reviewed by City Council November 29, 2022
- EIR Kick-Off: January/February 2023
- EIR Scoping Meeting: Early 2023
- Notice of Preparation Comment Period: Early 2023
- Application Deemed Complete: TBD
- EIR public draft released for comments: anticipated Summer 2023
- Planning Commission Study Session: Summer 2023
- Planning Commission Meeting: Late 2023/2024
- City Council Meeting (if an appeal/call for review is filed): Early 2024
Development Impact Fees:
Fair Share Traffic Fees and Park Fees apply
Project Planner
Liz Westmoreland. Senior Planner
Click here for Applicant’s project description and plans (large file)
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